
LJGY type mobile volume pipe

As a mobile flow calibration center, it can perform actual flow calibration or verification of flow meters while in operation, overcoming the errors caused by the differences between working conditions and calibration conditions.
  • Product Description
  • Nominal diameter: DN100~DN350

    Flow range: (5~600)m3/h

    Repeatability: better than 0.02%

    Reproducibility: better than 0.05%

    Standards: GB/T 17286.2-2016 Dynamic measurement of liquid hydrocarbons Volume measurement flowmeter verification system Part 2: Volume tube


    1. Can verify or calibrate output pulse signals of volumetric and velocity flowmeters.

    2. As a mobile flow verification center, it can perform real flow verification or calibration of flowmeters under working conditions, overcoming errors caused by different working and verification conditions.

    3. Can perform real-time dynamic leak detection on volume tube switching valves, meeting international MAP requirements.

    4. During the verification or calibration process, there is no need to start or stop the flowmeter, eliminating errors caused by starting and stopping the flowmeter.

    5. This product is a utility model invention of our company, number: ZL 2011 2 0543516. 2


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