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The company successfully passed the initial certification audit for the Measurement Management System and the Enterprise Integrity Management System.


The company successfully passed the measurement management system and corporate integrity management system.

Initial certification audit.



On June 14, the Quality Assurance Department received a request from the oil measurement and device company for certification of the measurement management system and corporate integrity management system, and immediately organized department personnel to conduct research on the certification of the two systems. On July 2, after receiving the report from the oil company, the Quality Assurance Department confirmed the certification body with the oil company and signed the certification contract.

In the preliminary stage of the external audit, the Quality Assurance Department assisted all relevant units in carefully preparing the relevant materials according to the audit document checklist, and checked the preparation status of each department's materials, laying a foundation for the smooth progress of the first and second phases of the external audit.

From August 6 to 12, the audit experts conducted the first and second phases of the audit on the company's flow measuring instruments, flow measurement calibration devices, flow display instruments, and level instruments, based on the GB/T 19022-2003 and GB/T 31950-2023 system documents and standard requirements, using methods such as on-site sampling and document review. After nearly seven days of auditing, the audit experts believed that the measurement management system and corporate integrity management system established by the company were operating well, and the measures taken were generally effective. At the same time, the audit experts pointed out some shortcomings of the company and made improvement suggestions to all relevant units. During the external audit process, the leaders of all relevant units attached great importance and actively cooperated with the audit experts. The personnel of the Quality Assurance Department had clear divisions of labor, performed their duties diligently, and ensured proper work and living arrangements, guaranteeing the smooth progress of the company's initial certification audit for the measurement management system and corporate integrity management system.

With the joint efforts of all employees, the company successfully passed the initial certification audit of the measurement management system and corporate integrity management system.